Dariel Perez Gallardo
페이지 정보

- Havana, Cuba Born in 1983, Live in NewYork
- Award of 'La moderna', Villa de San Cristobal de la
Havana, Cuba
- Selected artist of the DARRYL CHAPPELL Foundation
- Art Busan, BEXCO, Korea
- Daegu International Art Fair, EXCO, Korea
- Focus Art Fair, NewYork, USA
- Cosmos gallery collective exhibition, NewYork, USA
- STARFIELD. Goyang, '작은미술관', Korea
- Invited group exhibition by Take Hotel, Korea
- Bank Art Fair, SETEC, Korea
- Daegu International Blue Art Fair, EXCO, Korea
- Invited solo exhibition by Gallery Wald, Suji Lotte Mall, Korea
- Invitation by art space KC gallery in Pangyo, Korea
- The Maison coex, Seoul Korea
- International Blue Art Fair, Daegu, Korea
- Hotel Art Fair, Signiel Pusan, The westin josun, Korea
- International Art Fair of Ulsan, Korea
- Solo exhibition, Navi gallery in Seoul, Korea
- Centro Havana La Moderna Gallery solo exhibition
- Havana Biennale memorial of 500 years, collective exhibition
틀에 박힌 예술이 싫어 정규 예술교육 아카데미 코스가 아닌
경제학을 선택했던 그는 스페인에서 거주하던 중,
'어느 날 예술이 내 안에서 용암처럼 터져 나와서 작가로 살게 되었다.'고 한다.
'예술이 찾아와 나를 통해 무언가를 표현한다.'라는 작가는
종이, 판지, 캔버스, 플라스틱, 나무, 유리 등 영감을 주는 모든 것을 사용하여 작업한다.
'모든 물체나 재료에는 고유한 에너지가 있으며
이러한 것들과 상호 작용하는 순간에 교환 된 정보를 캔버스에 표현한다.'
다리엘 작가는 주류작가들에게까지 영감을 주며,
주목을 받고 있는 'Outsider Artist'에 속한다.
'인생은 시간과의 게임', '의식과 무의식의 세계' 등을
그만의 독특한 영감으로 표현하고 있으며
전문가들에게서 '빛과 색 표현의 귀재'로 평가받고 있다.
He chose economics rather than the regular art education academy course because he did not like stereotypical art. While living in Spain, he said, 'One day, art burst from within me like lava and I became an artist'.
Most of the works create a canvas by drawing an abstract painting and wiping it off with a wet towel, and creating a motif of the work by connecting dots and lines from accidental incidents where crayons fell on the floor and became powder. It expresses something.'
If we infer from the artist's impression that 'I don't know what to draw until the work is completed', he belongs to the 'Outsider Artist' that is attracting attention by inspiring mainstream writers these days. In Korea, he had 2 solo exhibitions and 1 invitational exhibition from 3 years ago, expressing his unique imagination and method, such as 'Life is a game with time' and 'The world of consciousness and unconsciousness', and was recognized by experts as 'Expression of light and color'. It is evaluated as 'the king of the world'.